Musikgarten of Lexington
Jennifer Tutt

                                                                               Studio Address                                 Mailing Address
                                                                               121 Malabu Dr.                                 601 Deltino Ct.

                                                                          Lexington, KY 40503                         Lexington, KY 40515

  Birthday Parties
  Class Descriptions
  Class Schedule
  Family Music for Babies
  Family Music
  Cycle of Seasons
  God's Children Sing
  Music Makers: Around the World
  Music Makers: At Home in America
  Music Makers: At the Piano I and II
  Music Makers: At the Guitar
  Music Makers: At the Recorder
  Musikgarten Chorus
  Music Makers: At the Violin
  Music Makers: At the Ukulele
  Nature Trail Camps
  Spring Break Camps
  Summer Camps
  Private Lessons
  Parent's Night Out
  Registration and Order Forms
  Our Location
  Parent Resources
  Events and News
  Contact Information
  What is Musikgarten
  Music and Movements Benefits
  Music Samples
  Why Musikgarten

Summer Camps

Children will enjoy dancing, singing, storytelling, arts and crafts, games, playing instruments, supervised outdoor nature exploration, and musical theater activities.
Instruments being used include drums, bongos, tambourines, rattles, jingles, rhythm sticks, sand-blocks, the metallophone, glockenspiel, resonator bars, and piano.
Activities are education-based and promote musical, social, physical, emotional, and intellectual development.
Your child’s personal snack from home will be served each day. If your child has specific food or environmental allergies or pertinent medical conditions, please list them on the Summer Camp Registration Form.
Please put sunscreen on your children before camp, as we may go outside for some activities.
Musikgarten of Lexington’s studio:
121 Malabu Dr. #1 and #2
Lexington, KY 40503
Camp Staff
Our staff is comprised of established professionals in the fields of music and education. They are trained Musikgarten of Lexington teachers and assistant teachers. Some teachers are also available for childcare before or after class; please call for more information and pricing if you need to schedule this service.

Upcoming Camp Sessions

Session I: "We Love Nature"                                 
Featuring songs about nature, plants, animals, bugs, and seasons, etc.
Week of June 9                                                       
Ages: 2.5 - 4.5 yrs.                                                   
Time: 9:30 - 12:00                                                   
Session II: "Musical Tour of Nations" 
Travel around the globe studying the songs, instruments, folklore, geography, and composers of distant lands.
Week of June 9
Ages: 4 - 7 yrs.
Time: 9:30 - 12:30

Session III: "Fun with the Animals"                       
Featuring fun circus, zoo, and barnyard animals.            
Week of June 23
Ages: 2.5 - 4.5 yrs.                                                  
Time: 9:30 - 12:00                                                  
Session IV: "Musical Tour of America"
Learn about famous Americans and composers, patriotic songs, and historic national landmarks of the United States.
Week of June 23
Ages: 4 - 7 yrs.
Time: 9:30 - 12:30     

Session V: "God's Children Sing More"                
Enjoy Judeo-Christian songs, stories, games, and fun musical activities.                       
Week of July 14                                                    
Ages: 3 - 6 yrs.                                                      
Time: 9:30 - 12:00                                                  

Session VI: "The Wonderful World of Pirates, Princes, and Princesses"
A piano camp featuring favorite songs and popular stories about pirates, folk legends, princes, and princesses, etc.
Week of July 14
Ages: 6 - 10 yrs.
Time: 9:30 - 12:30   

Session VII: "Cartoon Classics"                           
Featuring songs and activities from your favorite animated movies and classic story books.        
Week of July 28                                                     
Ages: 2.5 - 6 yrs.                                                     
Time: 9:30 - 12:00                                                  

Session VIII: "The Wonderful World of Heroes and Villains"
A piano camp featuring favorite songs and popular stories about heroes, villains, princesses, frogs, etc.
Week of July 28
Ages: 6 - 10 yrs
Time: 9:30 - 12:30

** Camps will be added for additional weeks in June, July, and August, as needed **
To register for our Summer Camps, please click here or go to our Registration and Order Forms page.

Supplemental material for Summer Camps can be purchased using our Summer Camp Order Form.  Please complete the form and mail it, complete with payment, to 601 Deltino Ct., Lexington, KY 40515.  Upon receipt of the order, we will contact you to confirm.