Musikgarten of Lexington
Jennifer Tutt

                                                                               Studio Address                                 Mailing Address
                                                                               121 Malabu Dr.                                 601 Deltino Ct.

                                                                          Lexington, KY 40503                         Lexington, KY 40515

  Birthday Parties
  Class Descriptions
  Class Schedule
  Family Music for Babies
  Family Music
  Cycle of Seasons
  God's Children Sing
  Music Makers: Around the World
  Music Makers: At Home in America
  Music Makers: At the Piano I and II
  Music Makers: At the Guitar
  Music Makers: At the Recorder
  Musikgarten Chorus
  Music Makers: At the Violin
  Music Makers: At the Ukulele
  Nature Trail Camps
  Spring Break Camps
  Summer Camps
  Private Lessons
  Parent's Night Out
  Registration and Order Forms
  Our Location
  Parent Resources
  Events and News
  Contact Information
  What is Musikgarten
  Music and Movements Benefits
  Music Samples
  Why Musikgarten

Cycle of Seasons (2.5-4.5 yr)

Cycle of Seasons is a 30-minute classes just for children (with a few parent helpers every week). While this age group does many of the same types of activities as the Family Music class, it begins to incorporate longer discussion times, listenings, and more complex physical movements. We likewise begin the addition of more intricate rhythm and tonal patterns using drums, jingles, rattles, tambourines, bongos, rhythm sticks, sandblocks, the glockenspiel, metallophone, and resonator bars. Each child has several opportunities every semester to play fun, impromptu instrumental solos while the rest of the class sings along.
      The Cycle of Seasons class has an ecological theme that emphasizes the beauty and music found in Nature. We study each of the 4 seasons with 8 new animals introduced for every season with pictures, listenings, and mini-discussions. Natural and seasonal elements such as leaves, wind, rain, snow, seeds, and gardens are also the subject of many of our songs and poetry.
To register for this class, please go to the "Registration and Order Forms" page.  Trial classes available by apptointment only.
 Supplemental material for Cycle of Seasons may be purchased using the Order Form.  Please complete the Order Form and send it, along with payment, to 601 Deltino Ct., Lexington, KY 40515.  Upon receipt of your order, we will contact you to confirm.

  • Classroom discussions begin during this age group.

  • Students participate in longer focused listening activities (poems, animal sounds, and instrumental sounds) to increase memory and attention span.

  •  Introduction of melodic instruments (glockenspiel, metallophone, and resonator bars) to learn scales, chords, and melodies of songs.

  • Begin to sing solos in class; this helps prevent performance anxiety later (the children are literally experiencing “success” in performance before they are old enough to be fearful of it).

  • This class involves more difficult fine and gross physical motor skills than in previous age groups.

  • Mastery of impulse control becomes more complete (students better able to follow directions and interact socially).

  • Cooperative learning activities are introduced (use partners for games, dances, rocking bands, hoops, etc.).

  • Children become more vocal, often singing in class for the first time.

  • Children gain independence by doing class alone, while still having their parent there periodically to help in class (this process often takes an entire year, but it is a great preparation for school).

  • Classroom environment prepares children for preschool and grade school by learning to follow directions and listen to a teacher.

  • Teaches children values and morals at an early age.

  • Storytelling in class used to improve memory, attention span, moral development, and language/speech development.

  • Warm, loving environment created by caring, enthusiastic teachers.
  • Classroom environment prepares children for preschool and grade school by learning to follow directions and listen to a teacher.

  • Students learn to value our natural environment.

  • Ecological theme to class (leaves, wind, rain, snow, seeds, animals, gardening, etc.).

  • Creates a better understanding of the beauty and music found in nature.

  • Promotes family love and the value of friendship.

  • Learning and repeating poems and fingerplays promotes language development.

  • Students study each season while that season is actually occurring outside in the real world.

  • Students study the life cycles of plants and animals through song, poetry, short stories, and pictures.

  • Each semester is 15 - 17 weeks
  • There are three semesters in a year combining songs/activities for Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer
 Helpful Suggestions to Parents:
  • Please keep food, drinks, toys, and other distractions in the car or hidden from view.
  • If you have food or drinks with you, please consume them in the Party Room, if it is available.
  • If anyone in your immediate household is in quarantine/isolation, no one from your household may enter our facility.
  • No one with a temperature of 100-degrees (F) or higher is permitted on the premises.
  • Try to make bathroom stops before class begins.
  • Please silence cell phones during class if you are a parent helper.
  • If you are outside the room, please do not get caught looking through the window, as this sometimes makes students upset (not just your own child). We will come get you if your child needs you or is upset for a prolonged period.
  • If your child becomes upset or disruptive, it is a good idea to get a drink or take a short walk (but do try to return when he/she is ready).
  • You can reinforce the information learned in class by discussing and/or looking for leaves, insects, animals, snowflakes, etc. at home with your child and doing the suggested activities in the Family Packets together.
  • There is a $15 Registration Fee per child which lasts for the Fall-Fall school year.
  • Tuition: $13 per class to be paid for each semester.
  • There are discounts for families that have two or more siblings enrolled in the group classes or if the same student attends multiple classes per week.
  • Student visitors (friends and/or relatives) are welcome to attend classes at any time; they can pay just for the class that they attend. Please call Jennifer ahead of time to schedule visitors.
  • Tuition fees are nonrefundable except in the cases of extreme illness or out-of-state moves.  Registration and material fees are not refundable.
 Makeup Classes:
  • You are welcome to do a makeup class in one of the other Cycle of Seasons sections, but please notify the teacher of that class several days in advance. We will only call you back if that is a problem.
  • Makeup classes should be done during the same semester as the missed class.
 Family Packets and Instruments:
  • Each Cycle of Seasons Family Packets includes: 
         1) CD/digital download with the songs/activities from class
         2) Parent Booklet with song lyrics, poems, fingerplays, activities included for
             that season, etc.
         3) Eight laminated animal pictures (animal sounds are on the tape/CD)
         4) Colorful handmade pouch to hold Family Packet items
  • Buying the Musikgarten Family Packets is optional; however, we have found that children who are exposed to the songs/activities more often tend to learn more and participate better in class.
  • Parent Booklets are a wonderful resource for parents who are looking for educational and fun things to do with their children.
  • Children love to listen to the activities/songs in bed, in the car, and during playtime.
  • There are four Cycles Family Packets: Fall, Winter, Spring, and Summer.
  • Musikgarten also sells drums, rattles, jingles, rhythm sticks, sandblocks, glockenspiels, Chinese bells, finger cymbals, scarves, and T-shirts, etc. that may be purchased at any time.