
Family Music for Babies |
Family Music for Babies is a 30-minute Musikgarten class specifically designed for the bonding and nurturing needs of the youngest children. Parents and babies will enjoy rocking, singing, stroking, dancing, and learning new games to play at home. Children will be starting to play with rattles, rhythm sticks, scarves, and drums. Parents will learn new songs and games to use for diaper changes, bath time, bedtime, etc. Most importantly, children will be guaranteed their parent’s undivided attention with fun, developmentally-appropriate nursery rhymes, songs, dances, and baby massages. Parents and babies will enjoy meeting new friends and learning new songs.
To register for this class, please go to the "Registration and Order Forms" page. Trial classes available by appointment only.
Supplemental material for Family Music for Babies may be purchased using the Order Form. Please complete the Order Form and send it, along with payment, to 601 Deltino Ct., Lexington, KY 40515. Upon receipt of your order, we will contact you to confirm.
Current studies show that more brain development occurs in the first 18 months than any other time in life.
Brain research shows musical/sensory stimulation at this age increases aptitude for all future learning activities; it is especially beneficial to the areas of the brain used in music, math, and science.
Language acquisition begins in this age group and is enhanced by musical learning.
Hearing live vocal music (not just recordings) helps with the child’s own speech development.
It is believed that children 0 – 18 months need to be sung to in order to help their ability to match pitch later.
Socialization by same-age peers by 6 months is believed to improve social skills in childhood and adulthood and is also associated with higher EQ scores later.
Evidence suggests that children around other children at an early age are less likely to develop asthma later in life.
The instruments and accessories used in class (drums, rattles, sticks, scarves) help build eye hand coordination and fine motor skills.
Multi-colored scarf activities are good for the development and coordination of eye muscles.
Rhythmic development begins in the first 18 months with bouncing, rocking, and steady beat activities (students in class often rock/bounce themselves to the steady beat much earlier than same-age peers not involved in Musikgarten classes).
Infant massage is thought to improve future IQ scores, peripheral nervous system function, immune system function, parent bond with child, digestion, colic, and promotes relaxation in baby.
The parent/child bond is fostered through sensory games, lullabies, and other classroom activities.
- Children in class are exposed to high-quality classical music, children’s songs, and music from other parts of the world with a wide variety of instruments, ensembles, tonalities, and vocal ranges represented.
- There are 3 semesters in a year
- Each semester is 15 - 17 weeks
Helpful Suggestions to Parents:
- Please remove your child’s shoes before class begins.
- No one with a temperature of 100-degrees (F) or higher may enter the permises at any time.
- If anyone in your household is in quarantine/isolation, no one from your household may enter our studio.
- If you have food or drinks with you, please eat them in the Party Room, if it is available. Nursing or bottle-feeding during class is fine.
- Some parents bring a small blanket to lay their child on for some activities.
- Please keep food, sippy cups, toys, and other distractions in the car or hidden from view.
- Try to make diaper changes before class begins. Our diaper changing table and Diaper Champ are located in the restroom. Please do not change diapers in the waiting room or classrooms. Please dispose of all diapers in the Diaper Champ to avoid unpleasant odors in our other rooms.
- If your child becomes upset or disruptive, it is a good idea to get a drink or take a short walk (but do try to return when he/she is ready).
- Please silence cell phones during class.
- Please keep parent-to-parent conversation to a minimum during class.
- Do not be concerned or disappointed if your child has trouble participating fully for every activity. This is not an appropriate expectation for children this age. If the child is present in the environment, he/she is learning. The more classes the student takes, the more actively they begin to participate.
- Every student needs to bring his/her own baby instrument kit ($20) to each class
- There is a $15 Registration Fee per child which lasts for the Fall-Fall school year
- Tuition: $12 per class to be paid for each semester.
- There are discounts for families that have two or more siblings enrolled in group classes or if the same child is enrolled for mutliple classes per week.
- Student visitors (friends and/or relatives) are welcome to attend classes at any time; they can pay just for the class that they attend. Please call Jennifer ahead of time to schedule visitors.
- Tuition and registration fees are nonrefundable except in the cases of extreme illness or out-of state moves. Registration and material fees are non-refundable.
Makeup Classes:
- You are welcome to do a makeup class in one of the other Family Music for Babies sections, but please call or text the teacher of the makeup class several days in advance.
- Makeup classes should be done during the same semester as the missed class.
Family Packets and Instruments:
- The Family Music for Babies family materials used in class are:
> Fall semester (CD/digital download, parent booklet)
> Spring semester (CD/digital download, parent booklet)
> Summer semester (My Musical World: CD/digital download and parent booklet)
- For sanitary reasons, each student must have their own baby instrument kit ($20) containing a rattle, scarf, and pair of rhythm sticks.
- Please bring your child’s baby kit to each class.
- It’s a good idea to put your child’s initials on the instruments in your baby instrument kit.
- Buying the Musikgarten family packets and any additional instruments is optional; however, we have found that children who are exposed to the songs/activities more often tend to learn more and participate better in class.
- Parent Booklets are a wonderful resource for parents who are looking for educational and fun things to do with their children.
- Children love to listen to the activities/songs in bed, in the car, and during playtime.
- Musikgarten also sells drums, rattles, rhythm sticks, scarves, T-shirts, etc. that may be purchased at any time .